Province of West Lancashire
The Walton Lodge of Installed Masters No. 161
Celebration of the Sesquicentenary  (150th Meeting)
The Masonic Temple, Saul Street, Preston.  23rd May 2023
What a season this has been, tonight we are all looking forward to yet another 150th Celebration, this time at the Masonic Hall in Preston. As you are all aware, as usual I set off early, arrived at the on ramp for the M60 and went straight up, I kid you not, joined in lane one and as usual soon jumped across to lane three which you have to do if your intention is to come off for the M61. Again, I know you will find it hard to believe but reached the turn off in reasonable time, not much traffic, or hold ups all the way to the A6 for Preston. I couldn’t believe it but there’s always a first time, arrived at Hall and managed to squeeze down the side, just one small space left for me to park, grabbed by bag and camera then it was off for my usual mooch around.
Quite a few members and visitors were already inside, some were enjoying a drink and a good old chinwag in the cosy bar area, whilst others were upstairs in the Lodge room waiting for the Team practise to commence under the watchful eye of our Provincial D.C W.Bro. Arthur Robinson PGJD. Once he was pleased with the effort everyone had put in which included members of last seasons Acting Provincial officers and the new Team members for this year, he said well-done everyone, you can have a short break now but please report back on time and “don’t leave your wands in the Lodge room”, now doesn’t that remind you of our last Provincial D.C. the “Legend”, yes you’ve guessed W.Bro. David Emmerson PGSD.
Now the practise was finished I went on my way looking round for some more targets, oop’s no not targets that doesn’t sound too good, I meant to say persons of interest and bingo, I couldn’t believe my luck,  who did I come across having  some happy conversation none other than our own PGM R.W. Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore, the Pro G.M. M.W. Bro. John Herbert Prizeman, Dep PGM W.Bro. Giles F Berkley  PGJD, Asst PGM Geoffrey M Bury PGJO, Asst PGM W.Bro. David J Winder GStwd the P.G.Secretary W.Bro. Michael J Pinkard GStwd, and several other distinguished Mark Masons.
The meeting commenced on time at 6pm, after several housekeeping items were dealt with our PGM entered accompanied by Acting Grand and Provincial Grand Officers, he was welcomed by the W.M. W.Bro. Roland Alderton on behalf of all present, he offered the gavel to Keith which he said he would accept for only a short time as this special meeting had a lot to get through. Following knocks on the door the Lodge was pleased to receive the M.W. Pro Grand Master John Prizeman to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Walton Mark Lodge.
W.Bro. Michael Pinkard the Prov G Secretary then read out the original Warrant of the Lodge dated 31st Dec 1872, this was followed by the Sesquicentenary Certificate, next we listened to the actual Minutes from the first meeting in 1873. V.W. Bro. Roderick Bennison PGJO, gave an excellent presentation of the Lodge history through both the good times and times of struggle. All the members were then requested to line up where the Pro Grand Master, the PGM and the W.M. were very pleased to present each and everyone with a very special jewel to commemorate the occasion.
The W.M. presented a cheque to the Pro G.M. on behalf of the Lodge for the Mark Benevolent Fund, which was well received and would be put to good use by those in need, this milestone meeting came to an end and I’m sure it would remain in the memory of all those present.
Everyone retired to the dining room, charged their glasses before taking up their allotted seats for the Festive Board, an excellent meal was served up by the very friendly and attentive Hall staff, the usual Toasts and Responses were given and I’m sure were all well received, I unfortunately had to leave before the end and make my way back to the little village in the South of the Province, Urmston, if I’ve learned one thing this last couple of weeks it is, No More Booster Jabs For Me, after yet another stay in Hospital.
What’s left this season no more Team visits, or local Lodge meetings but a great event is taking place in London at the Mark Grand Lodge on Tuesday 13th June, the Annual Grand Mark Investiture starting at 1pm. If you haven’t managed to attend so far at this wonderful building there’s still time to get there and I’m sure you will be wowed by the whole event just as I am always even after many visits. Here’s looking forward to seeing the friends I know and those I have yet to meet.  
Other Important Meetings to Note,
The Provincial Grand Royal Ark Mariners Lodge Meeting at the Savoy Hotel, Blackpool, Tuesday 19th September 2023.
The Annual Provincial Mark Grand Lodge Investiture Meeting, the Winter Gardens, Blackpool on Thursday 2nd May 2024.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher PGJD